Why Exercise is Important to Detox the Body  

On a daily basis, the human body is constantly exposed to toxins by various sources such as pollution, processed foods, pesticides and chemicals in our household and personal care products. These toxins accumulate in the body over time which can lead to a weakened immune system, chronic disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and more.

In a world where there are toxins all around us, what are we to do to prevent negative health effects? Some of these toxins are unable to be avoided, while others (like the food we buy and the products we use) we have control of. Thankfully, our bodies also have organs designed to eliminate toxins from the body, such as the lungs, liver and kidneys. 

Here we will discuss why exercise is important to detox the body and exactly how it works!

What Does Exercise Do to Detox the Body?

Try to look at it this way: use exercise as a tool to help your body function at full capacity and to feel your best! It doesn’t have to be anything that is extremely difficult or something that is so unenjoyable that you can’t keep a consistent habit of doing it. Exercise can be in any form of movement that YOU ENJOY. Pick anything and don’t be afraid to change it up! It can be as little or as intense as you make it.

The key is to keep your body moving throughout the day and to steer away from a sedentary lifestyle. Any type of movement counts. If able, choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator… your body will thank you for it!

How Does the Body Work to Eliminate Toxins? 

1. Increases Circulation

Exercise increases blood flow to the liver and kidneys, which are the major detox organs in the body. The liver and kidneys then work to filter out and eliminate toxins through urine or feces. Exercise also involves deep breathing, which stimulates the lungs, allowing for more oxygen to be inhaled and toxins to be exhaled (carbon dioxide). 

2. Boosts Function of Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system’s role is to remove toxins and waste from the body, however it needs the body to move in order for it to work properly. Exercise increases the lymphatic flow and in turn, the lymphatic system can more efficiently remove the toxins. The lymphatic system also works to protect your body from bacteria and viruses, therefore exercises also work to strengthen your immune system healthy, 

3. Improves Digestion

As exercise increases circulation through the body, it allows for the digestive system to become stimulated and promote regular movement of waste through the intestines. 

4. Reduces Inflammation

Acute inflammation occurs when there is an injury or infection, but chronic inflammation is a response to toxins entering and becoming trapped in the body. Exposure to toxins triggers and causes overall inflammation in the body which can lead to a wide range of health conditions. Regular exercise reduces this inflammation and amount of toxins in the body. 

5. Promotes Sweating

When you exercise, your body temperature increases and causes your skin to sweat. Sweating through the skin is one way the body eliminates toxins, such as heavy metals, phthalates, and BPA. Skin is the human body’s largest organ; it plays a big role. 

6. Supports Overall Health and Wellbeing

Exercise has been proven to boost mood, relieve depression/anxiety, improve sleep and energy levels, reduce stress, and improve immune system function. This allows your body to cope and function with daily exposures to toxins. Movement also promotes longevity and slow the process of aging, keeping you active and healthy for much longer in life.

In conclusion, exercise is not the only way that you can eliminate toxins in your body, but it’s an important component and it helps significantly. Exercise is a natural form of detoxification to support your overall health and wellbeing. It allows you to reduce your risk of developing health conditions, keep your brain sharp and be able to continue to be mobile for years to come. Your body was made to move, so use it and take care of it!

Follow The 80/20 Rule!

I’m a firm believer in the 80/20 rule when it comes to your health.

80% of the time, make healthy choices. 20% of the time, it’s okay to relax a bit.

Not everything has to be perfect! All you have to do is try your best and intentionally make choices that make sense for your life. Try to use the most safe and healthy products to your knowledge.

It’s never too late to make changes and try out something new! 

I’m here to help and support you. Let’s create a healthy, less toxic community and take our power back! 


Buckley, G. (2021, January 15). Excretory System. Biology Dictionary. https://biologydictionary.net/excretory-system/

Janes, B. (2020, June 01). Can You Really Sweat Out Toxins? The Truth About Exercise and Detoxing. Vital Plan. https://vitalplan.com/blog/can-you-really-sweat-out-toxins-the-truth-about-exercise-and-detoxing

(2023). The Role of Exercise in Detox: Discover the Truth About Sweating It Out. Ask The Scientists. https://askthescientists.com/exercise-detox/

(2021, August 10). Understanding The Liver and Kidney Connection. Organic India. https://organicindiausa.com/blog/liver-and-kidney/#:~:text=The%20liver%20converts%20nitrogenous%20waste,from%20the%20body%20as%20urine